Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hey everyone! I've had this blog for about a month and a half by now, and I'm happy to see how popular it has gotten. I would like to ask, what do all of you think of it? What parts/posts do you like and dislike the most? What would you like to see added or removed from the blog? Any tips? Please leave comments, I'd lve to hear your feedback (:


  1. Seems good, Don't know how long yu can go on with it tough. I would more enjoy if you played on your Rev. title more, and did something like Brother Mack.

  2. I think you should write more pieces on non Abrahamic religions. Like I said Astrology would be a cool thing to do.

  3. @Labmonkey
    I'm not familiar with Brother Mack, what specific things would you like to see implemented?

    I shall take that into consideration (:
    My next post will be a bit of a joke on horoscopes

  4. I'd like you to explore the positive aspects of religions much more, and the good that they can do. I myself am an atheist, but also a conservative Jew. I find that in both the conservative and reform movement of Judaism religion is much more community based. The spiritual aspect is clearly there but I find that it rarely encourages things that I would deem negative. It doesn't even always use God as its reasoning for these positive morals. I think your criticisms have been clever and witty if not entirely original all the time. I'd also suggest you read "The Unlikely Disciple" by Kevin Roose. I found it quite interesting and you probably would too. I have a lot of ideas. What about progressive strands of religious movements? I would assume that you would respect much of the work of Martin Luther King Jr. for example.It would be interesting if you covered how gay rights are viewed in a variety of religions, including those that you do not normally cover (aka not Abrahamic.) Also- how do you view holidays? You could write about your take on Ramadan for example. It would be interesting to see you analyze prophets of different religions. You might have mentioned it already, but what about how we in American schools learn about the Roman gods as mythology? The ideas of bias against polytheistic religions and how much of society tends to treat them as less valid. Wow that was a lot of ideas and suggestions. I hope some were helpful.

  5. I like your suggestions, especially those regarding Greek mythology. Thanks (:
