Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Friend Jonah's Proof for God

Jonah, in his e-mail to me, states:

If one believes in the big bang theory then they’ll agree that according to it, there is a never-ending cycle of big bangs, eventually followed by a Grand Collapsing when the universe reaches critical mass, and then another big bang.

If one believes in the Creation theory, they’ll agree that according to it, The universe was made at a point,(lets say at year 0) and will continue indefinitely.

P1. Time is infinite
You’re probably familiar with the Infinite Monkey Theorem if so, you’ll acknowledge that:
P2. If something is physically possible, given an infinite period of time it will happen.
P3. It is physically possible for there to be a being with the properties of Living Forever and Time Travel (String theory)
C1. Given an infinite amount of time, there will be/has been a being with the properties of Living Forever and Time Travel
C2. There will be/has been a being with the properties of Living Forever and Time Travel
P4. God is a being that has the properties of living forever and Time Travel
C3. There will be/has been a God(that can live forever and can Time Travel)
C4. God exists.

Premise 1:
You are correct in the assertion that there has been a proposed theory of a "Big Bounce" so to speak, involving an expansion and collapsing of space. This has never been proven, however, nor is it still a prevailing theory in astrophysics. This loop could only occur in what is called a closed universe, where the energy density is greater than one. For more information on the "shape" of the universe, I would recommend Lawrence Krauss's lecture, "A Universe from Nothing." The main point is that there is no proof that this Big Bounce idea is true, therefore premise one cannot be shown to be true. Without an infinite amount of time, the Infinite Monkey Theorem fails.

Premise 3:
It is questionable whether or not time travel is in fact possible.

Conclusion 3:

Even if this argument, with all of its questionable scientific principles, were to be accepted, you have not proven a very impressive god. All this would prove is an entity which both lives forever and can travel through time, presumably at will. This could be a unicorn, a garden pixie, or a living proton. It is possible such a being exists, but how would this "God" impact our lives? There is no justification for extrapolating that such a being was in any way responsible for the creation of humans, there is no reason to worship this being, this being has none of the properties attributed to a god, and the existence or nonexistence of such a being is for the most part irrelevant in almost all circumstances. For more on this, see my post on Words and Their Baggage.

Overall, it was an interesting attempt to reconcile science with god claims. Your two major flaws, however, were a few unjustified assumptions about scientific principles and you seem to be proving a meaningless god.



  1. And that the infinite monkey theorem doesn't prove that time is infinite.

  2. I'm not sure what you mean. I mean, yes this is true, but what prompted you to say so?

  3. http://www.facebook.com/JLITeens
    More about Jews. And God.
    My synagogue's youth director sent me a link to a class by this group.
    Jews are pretty cool people.

  4. Oops, I didn't notice the colon at the end of the "You’re probably familiar with the Infinite Monkey Theorem if so, you’ll acknowledge that:". I read that as being used as the proof that time is infinite.
